Prof. Dr. Viktor Chabai als Humboldt-Gastwissenschaftler am Institut


Victor ChabaiSeit dem 01.02.2016 ist Prof. Dr. Viktor P. Chabai als Gastwissenschaftler am Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der FAU. Prof. Chabai ist Mitglied des Archäologischen Instituts der Akademie der Wissenschaften der Ukraine in Kiew. Er hat ein Stipendium der Humboldt-Stiftung und wird für insgesamt 6 Monate das Institutsleben in Forschung und Lehre bereichern. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen im Mittel- und Jungpaläolithikum Mittel- und Osteuropas. Seit vielen Jahren forscht Prof. Chabai auf der Halbinsel Krim, wo er zahlreiche wichtige Fundstellen des Neandertalers und des frühen anatomisch modernen Menschen ausgegraben, ausgewertet und überwiegend monographisch publiziert hat. Weitere Forschungsaktivitäten haben ihn bisher u.a. nach Portugal, die USA, Rumänien, Usbekistan und Russland geführt.

Während seines Aufenthaltes hat Prof. Chabai geplant, innerhalb des Micoquien (als eine wichtige Industrie des Neandertalers) das Verhältnis zwischen Gruppen aus West- und Mitteleuropa einerseits und Osteuropa andererseits zu untersuchen. Hierzu wird er Steinwerkzeuge aus Bayern, Süddeutschland, Norddeutschland, den Beneluxstaaten und Frankreichs aus der Zeit zwischen 125.000 und 30.000 Jahren vor heute analysieren. Beginnen wird er dabei mit den für diese Fragestellung herausragenden Funden aus der Sesselfelsgrotte im Unteren Altmühltal, die sich in unserer Sammlung befinden. Es geht ihm hier vor allem um den sogenannten G-Schichten-Komplex mit über 70.000 Steinwerkzeugen aus einer Zeit vor etwa 50.000 Jahren.

Wir wünschen ihm einen erfolgreichen Aufenthalt!

Curriculum Vitae

1979-1989, Assistant, Institute of Archaeology, National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
1989-1993, Senior scientist, Institute of Archaeology, National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
1993-2009, Head of the Prehistoric Archaeology Department in Crimean branch of the Institute of Archaeology, National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
2010-2014, Director of the Crimean branch of the Institute of Archaeology, National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
2012-present, corresponding member of the National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
2014-present, Head of the Crimean Archaeology Department in the Institute of Archaeology, National Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.


1979-1987, Assistant in excavations of the Palaeolithic, Neolithic, Medieval sites and Scythian kurgans in the Crimea, Northern Black Sea Steppe, Donbass, Transcarpatia, Mid Dnieper (Ukraine);
1988-1990, Co-principal investigator in the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences project “The Palaeolithic sites of Crimea”;
1991-1995, Principal investigator in the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences project “The chronology and evolution of the Crimean Middle Paleolithic”;
1993-1996, Co-principal investigator in the National Science Foundation (USA) project “The Middle Paleolithic of the Crimea”, (SBR-9307743 and SBR-9506091);
1995-1997, Co-principal investigator in the project “Research of the cultural trends crossing East and West Eurasia during the formation of the European cultures in Prehistory”, INTAS-93-203 and INTAS-93-203-ext;
1996-1997, Principal investigator in the Ukrainian Academy of Science project “The typological variability and economic peculiarities in the Crimean Middle Palaeolithic”;
1997-1998, Collaborator in the High Risk Exploratory Research in Almonda carstic cave system, Portugal, National Science Foundation (USA), (SBR-971531);
1998-2002, Co-principal investigator in the Ukrainian Academy of Science project “The archaeology and history of the Crimea”;
1999-2001, Collaborator in S.S.T.C. and INTAS project “The lithic technology in Prehistory: Inter-Regional Comparative Approach” (no MO/38/002 and INTAS-96-0079);
2000, Collaborator in the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada project “The Middle Palaeolithic site of Karabi Tamchin (Crimea, Ukraine)”;
1999-2003, Collaborator in the National Science Foundation (USA) project “Late Middle Pleistocene occupations and adaptations at Almonda, Estremadura, Portugal”, (SBR-0073531);
1999-2006, Co-principal investigator in the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft project “Funktionale Variabilität im späten Mittelpaläolithikum auf der Halbinsel Krim, Ukraine” (ZI 276/7-1, ZI 276/7-2, RI 936/3-3, RI 936/3-4);
2002-2006, Collaborator in Federal Belgian Police Office project “Late Middle and Early Upper Paleolithic industries in the different regions of Europe (no MO/38/008);
2003-2005, Co-principal investigator in the NUAS project “The surveys, investigations and systematizations of archaeological settlements on the territory of the Crimean peninsula”;
2005, Researcher in Cologne University, Germany (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
2009-2010, Co-principal investigator in NUAS project “Archaeological cultures of Ancient and Medieval Crimea: evolution and chronology”, № (РК)0106U006578;
2006, Researcher in Royal Museums of Arts and History, Brussels, Belgium (Federal Belgian Police Office project No MO/38/010);
2008, 2011, Researcher in Cologne University, Germany (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft RI 936/5-1).
2010-present, Principal investigator in NUAS project “The Ancient and Medieval Crimea in the context of social, economic, ethnic and political processes in Eurasia”
2009-2013, Collaborator in CRC 806 ‘Our way to Europe’, project B1 ‘The ‘Eastern Trajectory’: Last Glacial Palaeogeography and Archeology of the Eastern Mediterranean and of the Balkan Peninsula’, supported by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).
2013-present, Co-principal investigator in the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft project “The dispersal of Modern Humans into an Eastern European refugial area of Late Neanderthals: interdisciplinary studies of contemporaneous industries from the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in the Crimea (Ukraine)”.


95 articles, 3 monographs, 7 edited volumes; among the others, the most important are:
Uthmeier Th., Chabai V., 2010. Neanderthal subsistence tactics in the Crimean Micoquian. –  Settlement Dynamics of the Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age. – Volume III. – Edited by N.Connard and A. Delagnes. – Tubingen,. – P. 195-234.
Chabai V., 2011. The chronological frames and environmental conditions of the Crimean Middle and Early Upper Palaeolithic: the state of art. – The Quartenary studies in Ukraine. – To XVIII Congress of the Internatioanl Association on the study of the Quartenary period (INQUA), Bern, 2011. – Kiev: Institute of the Geological Sciences of Ukraine. – P. 140-157.
Yevtushenko A., Chabai V., 2012. Karabai I, the Paleolithic site in Eastern Crimea. – Archaeological Almanac. – #26. – 161 p.
Chabai V., 2013. The destiny of the last Eastern European Neanderthals. – Ukrainian Archaeology. – P.7-27.
Chabai V., V.Sitlivy, M. Anghelinu., 2014. Typological variability of Aurignacian from Banat (Southwestern Romania). – Cultural developments in the Eurasian Paleolithic and the origin of the anatomically modern humans. – Proceedings of the in ternational symposium (July 1-7, 2014, Denisova Cave, Altai). – Edited by: A.P. Derevianko, M.V. Shunkov. – Novosibirsk – P. 21-40.


1992 – The Paleolithic of the Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine);
1996 – The 61st Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archeology (New Orleans, USA);
1997 – Prehistoire de Anatolie, (Liege, Belgium);
1998 – Les premiers hommes modernes de la Peninsule Iberique, commission VIII de l’UISPP (Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Portugal);
1998 – The Paleolithic of the Eastern European Plain (Donetsk, Ukraine);
1999 – Neanderthal and Modern Humans – discussing the transition: Central and Eastern Europe from 50.000 – 30.000 BP (Neanderthal Museum, Mettmann, Germany);
2000 – The Stone Age of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine);
2001 – XIV congress of the U.I.S.P.P. (Liege, Belgium);
2002 – The Paleolithic of the Eastern Ukraine (Slavianogorsk, Ukraine);
2002 – The Middle Paleolithic variability in Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine);
2003 – Climate change and coastline migration (Bucharest, Romania);
2004 – The Paleolithic of the Eastern Ukraine (Mariupol, Ukraine);
2004 – The European Middle Paleolithic: 30 years after Korolevo (Kiev, Ukraine);
2006 – The Congress of GeoSciences European Union (Vienna, Austria);
2006 – Hugo Obermaier conference (Cologne, Germany);
2007 – The Paleolithic of the Eastern Ukraine (Slavianogorsk, Ukraine);
2008 – The Top Issues of the Eastern European Prehistoric Archaeology (Alushta, Ukraine).
2014 – Cultural dynamics in Eurasian Paleolithic and the appearance of anatomically modern Humans” (Denisova Cave, Russia)
2015 – The ancient cultures of Eastern Europe: the main sites in the context of modern archaeological investigations; the Third Zamyatnin’s Colloquium (St. Petersburg, Russia)]]>